Observations on the road of life.
It's a small world
Published on April 14, 2009 By TheProf77 In Misc

I was at a friend's wedding a few days ago and was sitting next to a person I had never met before.  She was an elderly woman (Norma) who's husband had passed away.  As the evening went on, I found she was quite the chatter.  Norma had known the bride since she was a little girl.  I knew the groom since he was about 8 years old, he's now 33. 

At a point in the conversation, we started talking about "up north".  My family has an old farm a few hundred miles north of here.  I mentioned the general geographic area in relation to a small town and she said, 'Oh, where excactly, I have a friend in that town?'.  I told here where, and she said her friend was on the outskirts of the town.  Then I told her one of my older brothers also has a cottage in a nearby town on Lake Huron.  She was familar with the area and asked if I knew of a certain road, and a "boat house"!  I told her yes I did, and in fact my brother's place is fairly close to it.

It turns out she owns this old boat house on the lake of a wooded piece of property that looked abandoned.  She & her husband had bought it in the 70's to go fishing.  Then she told me she had a cottage about a half mile down the coast & inland a bit.  An area I knew fairly well, as I had ridden my brother's ATV by the old boat house & around the dirt roads by her cottage!

On Facebook there's a group called 6 Degrees of Separation, with the idea that we are all only 6 people apart from knowing everyone else.  Pretty interesting, since my friend didn't know Nomra had a place up north near my brother or my family's old farm.

on Apr 14, 2009

Wow, that's pretty neat. Could be possible. I personally think it could be, simply because we are made up of matter. Maybe matter reacts better with other forms of similar matter? Maybe that could explain why we feel more attached to certain items, people, locations etc than others... because our matter "feels right" being in proximity with that particular thing/object/person and it's composition of matter. Could also maybe explain soul mates.

on Apr 15, 2009

Ooooh, will someone let Eric Schweig know that he and I are linked?!?  *Dreamy sigh*  Of course, I mean the Eric Schweig  of 17 years ago.  The Last of the Mohicans, anybody?

Six degrees is an interesting theory, one that is more common than people think.  I found out a couple years ago that I am distantly related to Al Gore.  That was an odd moment...

on Apr 15, 2009

Maybe matter reacts better with other forms of similar matter? Maybe that could explain why we feel more attached to certain items, people, locations etc than others

Oooh, this explains my love affair with my ipod touch!